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Fruit and Leaves

Are you tired of feeling stuck

Let me help you break through the roadblocks. 

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram (Latin word "ennea" meaning nine, "gram" meaning diagram) is an amazing tool used by many to help create a path for self-discovery and personal growth, based on the 9 basic personality types. It helps you understand the unique person God designed you to be. Unlike other personality assessments out there, the Enneagram helps you understand why you do what you do by clarifying your core fear, core desire, core weakness, and core longing. It's like a magnifying glass for your heart, causing you to take an honest look at your vulnerabilities, flaws and propensity for certain sins (the things that keep us stuck). When you first identify your Type, it may be hard to see beyond all the brokenness and baggage. But as you lean in to what you discover - through the lens of the gospel - you will experience freedom. You will understand yourself better, helping you better appreciate the way you think, feel, and act when you’re at your very best.


Not only does the Enneagram help you understand yourself better, it's also a tool for gaining understanding and empathy for the people around us. This type of transformation and grace will naturally overflow into every area of your life, strengthening your relationships and enhancing your work and ministry. 

The 9 Types

1 The Moral Perfectionist

2 The Supportive Advisor

3 The Successful Achiever

4 The Romantic Individualist

5 The Investigative Thinker

6 The Loyal Guardian

7 The Entertaining Optimist

8 The Protective Challenger 

9 The Peaceful Mediator

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"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

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